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Exercising Spiritual Muscles 

      The Daily Dose is an opportunity to be transformed extraordinarily! In 2 to 5-minute opportunities, you will find a perceptual shift where I share MY day-to-day experience, and you get to watch how the Holy Spirit transforms the "ordinary" into "extraordinary. Experience a mindset reset by coming into agreement with the heavenly language of love as you live your day. Watch and receive YOUR Daily Dose of Spiritual Oxygen to be fed and encouraged for Such a Time as This.

     Not sure what to watch first? Pray to the Holy Spirit to lead you to the topic that will enrich you the most. Pay attention to the verbiage and language in the manner that Jesus is speaking to and working with you. Write these beautiful encounters with the Lord in the knowing place (reminder journal).

Didn't see an Open door UNTIL A woman tracked us down in Costco to TELL us our car door was OPEN!

Didn't see an Open door UNTIL A woman tracked us down in Costco to TELL us our car door was OPEN!

My friend Steph and I were talking to each other about a divine appointment we just had in the parking lot of Costco. Steph had asked if I should have handed the woman my ministry card. I responded to her that I did not see an open door to do so. But God had other plans! Revelations 3:7-8 Write this to the angel of the church in Philadelphia: “This is what the One who is holy and true, who holds the key of David, says. When he opens a door, no one can close it. And when he closes it, no one can open it. Upper Room Ministries Vickie Leigh S.Smith M.Ed, BDV Please support the Upper Room Ministry Mission! So I can keep helping others to have a Mindset-Reset to do what Love Requires for Healing and Breakthrough ✝️ Upper Room Ministries 13395 Voyager Pkwy Ste 130-PMB-543 Colorado Springs , Colorado 80921 (Make checks available to: Upper Room Ministries or Vickie Smith) OR! OR! ZELLE! to- ++Join us in the Upper Room to learn how to Cooperate and Collaborate with the Holy Spirit to be EQUIPPED for healing and breakthrough! WEBSITE: If you'd like to learn more about the Upper Room and living this Lifestyle of being Present to the PRESENCE, I have 3 Playlists that will EQUIP you through the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit: Teaching, Proclaiming and Witnessing! Playlists: UPPER ROOM:1 hour Teachings on how to Cooperate and Collaborate with the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit and His Gifts to Ignite, Equip, and Empower the Body of Christ✝️ DAILY DOSE: 2 to 5 minute teachings on living the "ordinary life" through the "extraordinarily lens" of the Holy Spirit using the Heavenly Language of Love. HEALING TESTIMONIES: Testimonies of those who've been healed by Jesus through prayer. Facebook Instagram @lifeinthespirit3 RETREATS: Albuquerque Charismatic Women's Conference 2023: The Ways of Christ through the Power of Testimony: Albuquerque Charismatic Women's Conference 2023: Spiritual Power Tools PODCASTS: Queen of Peace Healing Hour: 3rd Saturday of each Month- Subscribe and setup Notifications to receive a prompt when we are live! August 31, 2023 Mother and Refuge of the End Times August 22,2023 Miguel Angel Idrogo Podcast Bilingual (Spanish & English) Medjugorje Conversion Story 8.22.23 April 7 2022 Radio Interview: Matt Willson: Living Life on Purpose:]-R&c[0]=AT2F0LNFzc61AVKrcoid0k8zN1c--Uie6TnFNTHau6w9nhmuTTETWkXUj1Ex1QwhwM_bOj1ERzDT5dXLH_vkQPlCaOQ0tbIA9E492-KCugsdU2QBxmE4sOOlD2hr-Lp3LZELL8GR-eEcf20bvu9z August 29, 2021 Touched by Heaven - Everyday Encounters with God: God Never Leaves Us Where He Meets Us - TBH 174 #healingtestimonies #religion #Love #powerofthetongue #Grace #MovinginPower #PowerofPrayer #MyGraceIsSufficient #DoWhatLoveRequires #Grace #GraceAsSuperPowerOfHeaven #Healing #Breakthrough #SorrowfulMysteries #PreciousBlood #Resurrection #ConstantAccess #Fasting #ComeIntoAgreement #Death #Suffering #GuardianAngel #Revelations3 #GodOpensthedoorsthatnoonecanclose
HEALING HOUR this Saturday July 20, 2024: Breaking Soul ties! Here's what you can do to prepare ✝️

HEALING HOUR this Saturday July 20, 2024: Breaking Soul ties! Here's what you can do to prepare ✝️

Heres the link to join Saturday July 20 2024 Romans 13:1 13 Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. Watch Queen of Peace healing Hour this Saturday July 20th 2024. Even if you are joining late even if you're listening a year from now you can listen to this podcast and break these soul ties! Link for Queen of Peace healing hour: Upper Room Ministries Vickie Leigh S.Smith M.Ed, BDV Please support the Upper Room Ministry Mission! So I can keep helping others to have a Mindset-Reset to do what Love Requires for Healing and Breakthrough ✝️ Upper Room Ministries 13395 Voyager Pkwy Ste 130-PMB-543 Colorado Springs , Colorado 80921 (Make checks available to: Upper Room Ministries or Vickie Smith) OR! OR! ZELLE! to- ++Join us in the Upper Room to learn how to Cooperate and Collaborate with the Holy Spirit to be EQUIPPED for healing and breakthrough! WEBSITE: If you'd like to learn more about the Upper Room and living this Lifestyle of being Present to the PRESENCE, I have 3 Playlists that will EQUIP you through the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit: Teaching, Proclaiming and Witnessing! Playlists: UPPER ROOM:1 hour Teachings on how to Cooperate and Collaborate with the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit and His Gifts to Ignite, Equip, and Empower the Body of Christ✝️ DAILY DOSE: 2 to 5 minute teachings on living the "ordinary life" through the "extraordinarily lens" of the Holy Spirit using the Heavenly Language of Love. HEALING TESTIMONIES: Testimonies of those who've been healed by Jesus through prayer. Facebook Instagram @lifeinthespirit3 RETREATS: Albuquerque Charismatic Women's Conference 2023: The Ways of Christ through the Power of Testimony: Albuquerque Charismatic Women's Conference 2023: Spiritual Power Tools PODCASTS: Queen of Peace Healing Hour: 3rd Saturday of each Month- Subscribe and setup Notifications to receive a prompt when we are live! August 31, 2023 Mother and Refuge of the End Times August 22,2023 Miguel Angel Idrogo Podcast Bilingual (Spanish & English) Medjugorje Conversion Story 8.22.23 April 7 2022 Radio Interview: Matt Willson: Living Life on Purpose:]-R&c[0]=AT2F0LNFzc61AVKrcoid0k8zN1c--Uie6TnFNTHau6w9nhmuTTETWkXUj1Ex1QwhwM_bOj1ERzDT5dXLH_vkQPlCaOQ0tbIA9E492-KCugsdU2QBxmE4sOOlD2hr-Lp3LZELL8GR-eEcf20bvu9z August 29, 2021 Touched by Heaven - Everyday Encounters with God: God Never Leaves Us Where He Meets Us - TBH 174 #healingtestimonies #religion #escharchas #Love #powerofthetongue #Grace #MovinginPower #SettingBoundaries #PowerofPrayer #MyGraceIsSufficient #2Corinthians12:9 #DoWhatLoveRequires #Grace #GraceAsSuperPowerOfHeaven #Healing #Breakthrough #soulties
Oh THIS is Good! Ready for a Mindset-Reset? Which are you? Win-Win, Win-Lose, Lose-Lose?

Oh THIS is Good! Ready for a Mindset-Reset? Which are you? Win-Win, Win-Lose, Lose-Lose?

Romans 8:28 28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[a] have been called according to his purpose. Upper Room Ministries Vickie Leigh S.Smith M.Ed, BDV Please support the Upper Room Ministry Mission! So I can keep helping others to have a Mindset-Reset to do what Love Requires for Healing and Breakthrough ✝️ Upper Room Ministries 13395 Voyager Pkwy Ste 130-PMB-543 Colorado Springs , Colorado 80921 (Make checks available to: Upper Room Ministries or Vickie Smith) OR! OR! ZELLE! to- ++Join us in the Upper Room to learn how to Cooperate and Collaborate with the Holy Spirit to be EQUIPPED for healing and breakthrough! WEBSITE: If you'd like to learn more about the Upper Room and living this Lifestyle of being Present to the PRESENCE, I have 3 Playlists that will EQUIP you through the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit: Teaching, Proclaiming and Witnessing! Playlists: UPPER ROOM:1 hour Teachings on how to Cooperate and Collaborate with the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit and His Gifts to Ignite, Equip, and Empower the Body of Christ✝️ DAILY DOSE: 2 to 5 minute teachings on living the "ordinary life" through the "extraordinarily lens" of the Holy Spirit using the Heavenly Language of Love. HEALING TESTIMONIES: Testimonies of those who've been healed by Jesus through prayer. Facebook Instagram @lifeinthespirit3 RETREATS: Albuquerque Charismatic Women's Conference 2023: The Ways of Christ through the Power of Testimony: Albuquerque Charismatic Women's Conference 2023: Spiritual Power Tools PODCASTS: Queen of Peace Healing Hour: 3rd Saturday of each Month- Subscribe and setup Notifications to receive a prompt when we are live! August 31, 2023 Mother and Refuge of the End Times August 22,2023 Miguel Angel Idrogo Podcast Bilingual (Spanish & English) Medjugorje Conversion Story 8.22.23 April 7 2022 Radio Interview: Matt Willson: Living Life on Purpose:]-R&c[0]=AT2F0LNFzc61AVKrcoid0k8zN1c--Uie6TnFNTHau6w9nhmuTTETWkXUj1Ex1QwhwM_bOj1ERzDT5dXLH_vkQPlCaOQ0tbIA9E492-KCugsdU2QBxmE4sOOlD2hr-Lp3LZELL8GR-eEcf20bvu9z August 29, 2021 Touched by Heaven - Everyday Encounters with God: God Never Leaves Us Where He Meets Us - TBH 174 #healingtestimonies #religion #escharchas #Love #powerofthetongue #Grace #MovinginPower #SettingBoundaries #PowerofPrayer #MyGraceIsSufficient #2Corinthians12:9 #DoWhatLoveRequires #Grace #GraceAsSuperPowerOfHeaven #Healing #Breakthrough #SorrowfulMysteries #PreciousBlood #Resurrection #ConstantAccess #Fasting #ComeIntoAgreement #Death #Suffering #GuardianAngels #Love #Fasting #Roman8:28 #Dowhatloverequires #Prayer #Creative #DivineDesign #wordsofknowledge #Maintain&Sustain #AllThingsWorktotheGood
What Channel are YOU on? Past or Present? What does THE vocabulary sound like? Perspective look like

What Channel are YOU on? Past or Present? What does THE vocabulary sound like? Perspective look like

Phil 4:8 8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Upper Room Ministries Vickie Leigh S.Smith M.Ed, BDV Please support the Upper Room Ministry Mission! So I can keep helping others to have a Mindset-Reset to do what Love Requires for Healing and Breakthrough ✝️ Upper Room Ministries 13395 Voyager Pkwy Ste 130-PMB-543 Colorado Springs , Colorado 80921 (Make checks available to: Upper Room Ministries or Vickie Smith) OR! OR! ZELLE! to- ++Join us in the Upper Room to learn how to Cooperate and Collaborate with the Holy Spirit to be EQUIPPED for healing and breakthrough! WEBSITE: If you'd like to learn more about the Upper Room and living this Lifestyle of being Present to the PRESENCE, I have 3 Playlists that will EQUIP you through the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit: Teaching, Proclaiming and Witnessing! Playlists: UPPER ROOM:1 hour Teachings on how to Cooperate and Collaborate with the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit and His Gifts to Ignite, Equip, and Empower the Body of Christ✝️ DAILY DOSE: 2 to 5 minute teachings on living the "ordinary life" through the "extraordinarily lens" of the Holy Spirit using the Heavenly Language of Love. HEALING TESTIMONIES: Testimonies of those who've been healed by Jesus through prayer. Facebook Instagram @lifeinthespirit3 RETREATS: Albuquerque Charismatic Women's Conference 2023: The Ways of Christ through the Power of Testimony: Albuquerque Charismatic Women's Conference 2023: Spiritual Power Tools PODCASTS: Queen of Peace Healing Hour: 3rd Saturday of each Month- Subscribe and setup Notifications to receive a prompt when we are live! August 31, 2023 Mother and Refuge of the End Times August 22,2023 Miguel Angel Idrogo Podcast Bilingual (Spanish & English) Medjugorje Conversion Story 8.22.23 April 7 2022 Radio Interview: Matt Willson: Living Life on Purpose:]-R&c[0]=AT2F0LNFzc61AVKrcoid0k8zN1c--Uie6TnFNTHau6w9nhmuTTETWkXUj1Ex1QwhwM_bOj1ERzDT5dXLH_vkQPlCaOQ0tbIA9E492-KCugsdU2QBxmE4sOOlD2hr-Lp3LZELL8GR-eEcf20bvu9z August 29, 2021 Touched by Heaven - Everyday Encounters with God: God Never Leaves Us Where He Meets Us - TBH 174 #healingtestimonies #religion #escharchas #Love #powerofthetongue #Grace #MovinginPower #PowerofPrayer #MyGraceIsSufficient #DoWhatLoveRequires #Healing #PreciousBlood #ConstantAccess #ComeIntoAgreement #Suffering #GuardianAngels #Love #Dowhatloverequires #Maintain&Sustain
Recalibrating Family Dynamics for Healing and Healthy interactions! Information vs Judgement ✝️

Recalibrating Family Dynamics for Healing and Healthy interactions! Information vs Judgement ✝️

Matthew 7:7 “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. 2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." Thank all of you for the love offering set you are sending my way to carry out the mission to IGNITE, EQUIP, AND EMPOWER THE BODY OF CHRIST! ( Heading to Georgia in 2 weeks because of YOU!) To see how you too can send your love offerings and Join the Upper Room see below💜 Upper Room Ministries Vickie Leigh S.Smith M.Ed, BDV Please support the Upper Room Ministry Mission! So I can keep helping others to have a Mindset-Reset to do what Love Requires for Healing and Breakthrough If at all possible please pray about this. And just follow the lead of the Holy Spirit. If you're not in that position to offer support I ask a priceless TREASURE that you can offer...! Prayer! Know that I am in constant prayer for you! Upper Room Ministries 13395 Voyager Pkwy Ste 130-PMB-543 Colorado Springs , Colorado 80921 (Make checks available to: Upper Room Ministries) OR! OR! ZELLE! to- ++Join us in the Upper Room to learn how to Cooperate and Collaborate with the Holy Spirit to be EQUIPPED for healing and breakthrough! WEBSITE: If you'd like to learn more about the Upper Room and living this Lifestyle of being Present to the PRESENCE, I have 3 Playlists that will EQUIP you through the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit: Teaching, Proclaiming and Witnessing! Playlists: UPPER ROOM:1 hour Teachings on how to Cooperate and Collaborate with the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit and His Gifts to Ignite, Equip, and Empower the Body of Christ✝️ DAILY DOSE: 2 to 5 minute teachings on living the "ordinary life" through the "extraordinarily lens" of the Holy Spirit using the Heavenly Language of Love. HEALING TESTIMONIES: Testimonies of those who've been healed by Jesus through prayer. Facebook Instagram @lifeinthespirit3 RETREATS: Albuquerque Charismatic Women's Conference 2023: The Ways of Christ through the Power of Testimony: Albuquerque Charismatic Women's Conference 2023: Spiritual Power Tools PODCASTS: Queen of Peace Healing Hour: 3rd Saturday of each Month- Subscribe and setup Notifications to receive a prompt when we are live! August 31, 2023 Mother and Refuge of the End Times August 22,2023 Miguel Angel Idrogo Podcast Bilingual (Spanish & English) Medjugorje Conversion Story 8.22.23 April 7 2022 Radio Interview: Matt Willson: Living Life on Purpose:]-R&c[0]=AT2F0LNFzc61AVKrcoid0k8zN1c--Uie6TnFNTHau6w9nhmuTTETWkXUj1Ex1QwhwM_bOj1ERzDT5dXLH_vkQPlCaOQ0tbIA9E492-KCugsdU2QBxmE4sOOlD2hr-Lp3LZELL8GR-eEcf20bvu9z August 29, 2021 Touched by Heaven - Everyday Encounters with God: God Never Leaves Us Where He Meets Us - TBH 174 #healingtestimonies #religiom #Love #powerofthetongue #Grace #MovinginPower #SettingBoundaries #PowerofPrayer #MyGraceIsSufficient #2Corinthians12:9 #DoWhatLoveRequires #Grace #GraceAsSuperPowerOfHeaven #Healing #Breakthrough
Jesus does NOT delay the way YOU think is delay! 2 Peter 3:9. He's right on time! A  Lazarus story!

Jesus does NOT delay the way YOU think is delay! 2 Peter 3:9. He's right on time! A Lazarus story!

2 Peter 3:9 The Lord does not delay his promise, as some understand delay, but is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish but all to come to repentance". Are you cooperating with His about to answer? Upper Room Ministries Vickie Leigh S.Smith M.Ed, BDV Please support the Upper Room Ministry Mission! So I can keep helping others to have a Mindset-Reset to do what Love Requires for Healing and Breakthrough If at all possible please pray about this. And just follow the lead of the Holy Spirit. If you're not in that position to offer support I ask a priceless TREASURE that you can offer...! Prayer! Know that I am in constant prayer for you! Upper Room Ministries 13395 Voyager Pkwy Ste 130-PMB-543 Colorado Springs , Colorado 80921 (Make checks available to: Upper Room Ministries) OR! OR! ZELLE! to- ++Join us in the Upper Room to learn how to Cooperate and Collaborate with the Holy Spirit to be EQUIPPED for healing and breakthrough! WEBSITE: If you'd like to learn more about the Upper Room and living this Lifestyle of being Present to the PRESENCE, I have 3 Playlists that will EQUIP you through the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit: Teaching, Proclaiming and Witnessing! Playlists: UPPER ROOM:1 hour Teachings on how to Cooperate and Collaborate with the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit and His Gifts to Ignite, Equip, and Empower the Body of Christ✝️ DAILY DOSE: 2 to 5 minute teachings on living the "ordinary life" through the "extraordinarily lens" of the Holy Spirit using the Heavenly Language of Love. HEALING TESTIMONIES: Testimonies of those who've been healed by Jesus through prayer. Facebook Instagram @lifeinthespirit3 RETREATS: Albuquerque Charismatic Women's Conference 2023: The Ways of Christ through the Power of Testimony: Albuquerque Charismatic Women's Conference 2023: Spiritual Power Tools PODCASTS: Queen of Peace Healing Hour: 3rd Saturday of each Month- Subscribe and setup Notifications to receive a prompt when we are live! August 31, 2023 Mother and Refuge of the End Times August 22,2023 Miguel Angel Idrogo Podcast Bilingual (Spanish & English) Medjugorje Conversion Story 8.22.23 April 7 2022 Radio Interview: Matt Willson: Living Life on Purpose:]-R&c[0]=AT2F0LNFzc61AVKrcoid0k8zN1c--Uie6TnFNTHau6w9nhmuTTETWkXUj1Ex1QwhwM_bOj1ERzDT5dXLH_vkQPlCaOQ0tbIA9E492-KCugsdU2QBxmE4sOOlD2hr-Lp3LZELL8GR-eEcf20bvu9z August 29, 2021 Touched by Heaven - Everyday Encounters with God: God Never Leaves Us Where He Meets Us - TBH 174 #healingtestimonies #religion #escharchas #Love #powerofthetongue #Grace #MovinginPower #SettingBoundaries #PowerofPrayer #MyGraceIsSufficient #2Corinthians12:9 #DoWhatLoveRequires #Grace #GraceAsSuperPowerOfHeaven #Healing #Breakthrough #SorrowfulMysteries #PreciousBlood #Resurrection #ConstantAccess #Fasting #ComeIntoAgreement #Death #Suffering #GuardianAngels #Love #Fasting #John16:33 #Dowhatloverequires #Prayer #Creative #DivineDesign #wordsofknowledge #Maintain&Sustain #2Peter3:9 #God does not delay
HEALED! Be Edified by this testimony of an extremely painful finger with nerve pain for 3 years!

HEALED! Be Edified by this testimony of an extremely painful finger with nerve pain for 3 years!

Remember that if you are English speaking and need translation Please go to the top right of your screen and click CC. Then click Auto translate to English. Enjoy! Upper Room Ministries Vickie Leigh S.Smith M.Ed, BDV Please support the Upper Room Ministry Mission! So I can keep helping others to have a Mindset-Reset to do what Love Requires for Healing and Breakthrough If at all possible please pray about this. And just follow the lead of the Holy Spirit. If you're not in that position to offer support I ask a priceless TREASURE that you can offer...! Prayer! Know that I am in constant prayer for you! Upper Room Ministries 13395 Voyager Pkwy Ste 130-PMB-543 Colorado Springs , Colorado 80921 (Make checks available to: Upper Room Ministries) OR! OR! ZELLE! to- ++Join us in the Upper Room to learn how to Cooperate and Collaborate with the Holy Spirit to be EQUIPPED for healing and breakthrough! WEBSITE: If you'd like to learn more about the Upper Room and living this Lifestyle of being Present to the PRESENCE, I have 3 Playlists that will EQUIP you through the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit: Teaching, Proclaiming and Witnessing! Playlists: UPPER ROOM:1 hour Teachings on how to Cooperate and Collaborate with the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit and His Gifts to Ignite, Equip, and Empower the Body of Christ✝️ DAILY DOSE: 2 to 5 minute teachings on living the "ordinary life" through the "extraordinarily lens" of the Holy Spirit using the Heavenly Language of Love. HEALING TESTIMONIES: Testimonies of those who've been healed by Jesus through prayer. Facebook Instagram @lifeinthespirit3 RETREATS: Albuquerque Charismatic Women's Conference 2023: The Ways of Christ through the Power of Testimony: Albuquerque Charismatic Women's Conference 2023: Spiritual Power Tools PODCASTS: Queen of Peace Healing Hour: 3rd Saturday of each Month- Subscribe and setup Notifications to receive a prompt when we are live! August 31, 2023 Mother and Refuge of the End Times August 22,2023 Miguel Angel Idrogo Podcast Bilingual (Spanish & English) Medjugorje Conversion Story 8.22.23 April 7 2022 Radio Interview: Matt Willson: Living Life on Purpose:]-R&c[0]=AT2F0LNFzc61AVKrcoid0k8zN1c--Uie6TnFNTHau6w9nhmuTTETWkXUj1Ex1QwhwM_bOj1ERzDT5dXLH_vkQPlCaOQ0tbIA9E492-KCugsdU2QBxmE4sOOlD2hr-Lp3LZELL8GR-eEcf20bvu9z August 29, 2021 Touched by Heaven - Everyday Encounters with God: God Never Leaves Us Where He Meets Us - TBH 174 #healingtestimonies #religion #escharchas #Love #powerofthetongue #Grace #MovinginPower #SettingBoundaries #PowerofPrayer #MyGraceIsSufficient #2Corinthians12:9 #DoWhatLoveRequires #Grace #GraceAsSuperPowerOfHeaven #Healing #Breakthrough #PreciousBlood #ConstantAccess #ComeIntoAgreement #Suffering #Love #Dowhatloverequires #Prayer #Creative #DivineDesign #wordsofknowledge #Maintain&Sustain #healingstories
Julio came in a skeptic but Jesus got his attention when Julio's pain went from a 10 to a 0! Tears!

Julio came in a skeptic but Jesus got his attention when Julio's pain went from a 10 to a 0! Tears!

Julio's eyes were opened and I pray his testimony will open your eyes and be an invitation to received healing wherever you need it in the name of Jesus! Please consider supporting the Upper Room Ministries as we continue to move about the world igniting, equipping, and empowering the body of Christ! Upper Room Ministries Vickie Leigh S.Smith M.Ed, BDV Please support the Upper Room Ministry Mission! So I can keep helping others to have a Mindset-Reset to do what Love Requires for Healing and Breakthrough If at all possible please pray about this. And just follow the lead of the Holy Spirit. If you're not in that position to offer support I ask a priceless TREASURE that you can offer...! Prayer! Know that I am in constant prayer for you! Upper Room Ministries 13395 Voyager Pkwy Ste 130-PMB-543 Colorado Springs , Colorado 80921 (Make checks available to: Upper Room Ministries) OR! OR! ZELLE! to- ++Join us in the Upper Room to learn how to Cooperate and Collaborate with the Holy Spirit to be EQUIPPED for healing and breakthrough! WEBSITE: If you'd like to learn more about the Upper Room and living this Lifestyle of being Present to the PRESENCE, I have 3 Playlists that will EQUIP you through the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit: Teaching, Proclaiming and Witnessing! Playlists: UPPER ROOM:1 hour Teachings on how to Cooperate and Collaborate with the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit and His Gifts to Ignite, Equip, and Empower the Body of Christ✝️ DAILY DOSE: 2 to 5 minute teachings on living the "ordinary life" through the "extraordinarily lens" of the Holy Spirit using the Heavenly Language of Love. HEALING TESTIMONIES: Testimonies of those who've been healed by Jesus through prayer. Facebook Instagram @lifeinthespirit3 RETREATS: Albuquerque Charismatic Women's Conference 2023: The Ways of Christ through the Power of Testimony: Albuquerque Charismatic Women's Conference 2023: Spiritual Power Tools PODCASTS: Queen of Peace Healing Hour: 3rd Saturday of each Month- Subscribe and setup Notifications to receive a prompt when we are live! August 31, 2023 Mother and Refuge of the End Times August 22,2023 Miguel Angel Idrogo Podcast Bilingual (Spanish & English) Medjugorje Conversion Story 8.22.23 April 7 2022 Radio Interview: Matt Willson: Living Life on Purpose:]-R&c[0]=AT2F0LNFzc61AVKrcoid0k8zN1c--Uie6TnFNTHau6w9nhmuTTETWkXUj1Ex1QwhwM_bOj1ERzDT5dXLH_vkQPlCaOQ0tbIA9E492-KCugsdU2QBxmE4sOOlD2hr-Lp3LZELL8GR-eEcf20bvu9z August 29, 2021 Touched by Heaven - Everyday Encounters with God: God Never Leaves Us Where He Meets Us - TBH 174 #healingtestimonies #religion #escharchas #Love #Grace #MovinginPower #SettingBoundaries #PowerofPrayer #MyGraceIsSufficient #2Corinthians12:9 #DoWhatLoveRequires #Grace #GraceAsSuperPowerOfHeaven #Healing #Breakthrough #PreciousBlood #Resurrection #ConstantAccess #Fasting #ComeIntoAgreement #Death #Suffering #GuardianAngels #Love #Fasting #John16:33 #Dowhatloverequires #Prayer #Creative #DivineDesign #wordsofknowledge #Jesus #healingstories #Healing
July 1, 2024

July 1, 2024

Romans 12:2 And be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. I pray Christina's testimony will be your invitation for a mindset reset to live the transformed life by doing all things in Love✝️ Please consider supporting this ministry to ignite, equip, and in power the body of Christ! See how you can support the Upper Room Ministries 👇 There are 3 ways! Upper Room Ministries 13395 Voyager Pkwy Ste 130-PMB-543 Colorado Springs , Colorado 80921 (Make checks available to: Upper Room Ministries) OR! OR! ZELLE! to- ++Join us in the Upper Room to learn how to Cooperate and Collaborate with the Holy Spirit to be EQUIPPED for healing and breakthrough! WEBSITE: If you'd like to learn more about the Upper Room and living this Lifestyle of being Present to the PRESENCE, I have 3 Playlists that will EQUIP you through the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit: Teaching, Proclaiming and Witnessing! Playlists: UPPER ROOM:1 hour Teachings on how to Cooperate and Collaborate with the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit and His Gifts to Ignite, Equip, and Empower the Body of Christ✝️ DAILY DOSE: 2 to 5 minute teachings on living the "ordinary life" through the "extraordinarily lens" of the Holy Spirit using the Heavenly Language of Love. HEALING TESTIMONIES: Testimonies of those who've been healed by Jesus through prayer. Facebook Instagram @lifeinthespirit3 RETREATS: Albuquerque Charismatic Women's Conference 2023: The Ways of Christ through the Power of Testimony: Albuquerque Charismatic Women's Conference 2023: Spiritual Power Tools PODCASTS: Queen of Peace Healing Hour: 3rd Saturday of each Month- Subscribe and setup Notifications to receive a prompt when we are live! August 31, 2023 Mother and Refuge of the End Times August 22,2023 Miguel Angel Idrogo Podcast Bilingual (Spanish & English) Medjugorje Conversion Story 8.22.23 April 7 2022 Radio Interview: Matt Willson: Living Life on Purpose:]-R&c[0]=AT2F0LNFzc61AVKrcoid0k8zN1c--Uie6TnFNTHau6w9nhmuTTETWkXUj1Ex1QwhwM_bOj1ERzDT5dXLH_vkQPlCaOQ0tbIA9E492-KCugsdU2QBxmE4sOOlD2hr-Lp3LZELL8GR-eEcf20bvu9z August 29, 2021 Touched by Heaven - Everyday Encounters with God: God Never Leaves Us Where He Meets Us - TBH 174 #healingtestimonies #religion #escharchas #Love #powerofthetongue #Grace #MovinginPower #SettingBoundaries #PowerofPrayer #MyGraceIsSufficient #2Corinthians12:9 #DoWhatLoveRequires #Grace #GraceAsSuperPowerOfHeaven #Healing #Breakthrough #SorrowfulMysteries #PreciousBlood #Resurrection #ConstantAccess #Fasting #ComeIntoAgreement #Death #Suffering #GuardianAngels #Love #Fasting #John16:33 #Dowhatloverequires #Prayer #Creative #DivineDesign #wordsofknowledge #Maintain&Sustain
A Stigmatism and Myopia healed in Mexico Retreats!

A Stigmatism and Myopia healed in Mexico Retreats!

Remember that if you are English speaking and need translation Please go to the top right of your screen and click CC. Then click Auto translate to English. or click the three dots on the top right as well.Enjoy! Romans 12:2 And be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. I pray Christina's testimony will be your invitation for a mindset reset to live the transformed life by doing all things in Love✝️ Please consider supporting this ministry to ignite, equip, and in power the body of Christ! See how you can support the Upper Room Ministries 👇 There are 3 ways! Upper Room Ministries 13395 Voyager Pkwy Ste 130-PMB-543 Colorado Springs , Colorado 80921 (Make checks available to: Upper Room Ministries) OR! OR! ZELLE! to- ++Join us in the Upper Room to learn how to Cooperate and Collaborate with the Holy Spirit to be EQUIPPED for healing and breakthrough! WEBSITE: If you'd like to learn more about the Upper Room and living this Lifestyle of being Present to the PRESENCE, I have 3 Playlists that will EQUIP you through the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit: Teaching, Proclaiming and Witnessing! Playlists: UPPER ROOM:1 hour Teachings on how to Cooperate and Collaborate with the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit and His Gifts to Ignite, Equip, and Empower the Body of Christ✝️ DAILY DOSE: 2 to 5 minute teachings on living the "ordinary life" through the "extraordinarily lens" of the Holy Spirit using the Heavenly Language of Love. HEALING TESTIMONIES: Testimonies of those who've been healed by Jesus through prayer. Facebook Instagram @lifeinthespirit3 RETREATS: Albuquerque Charismatic Women's Conference 2023: The Ways of Christ through the Power of Testimony: Albuquerque Charismatic Women's Conference 2023: Spiritual Power Tools PODCASTS: Queen of Peace Healing Hour: 3rd Saturday of each Month- Subscribe and setup Notifications to receive a prompt when we are live! August 31, 2023 Mother and Refuge of the End Times August 22,2023 Miguel Angel Idrogo Podcast Bilingual (Spanish & English) Medjugorje Conversion Story 8.22.23 April 7 2022 Radio Interview: Matt Willson: Living Life on Purpose:]-R&c[0]=AT2F0LNFzc61AVKrcoid0k8zN1c--Uie6TnFNTHau6w9nhmuTTETWkXUj1Ex1QwhwM_bOj1ERzDT5dXLH_vkQPlCaOQ0tbIA9E492-KCugsdU2QBxmE4sOOlD2hr-Lp3LZELL8GR-eEcf20bvu9z August 29, 2021 Touched by Heaven - Everyday Encounters with God: God Never Leaves Us Where He Meets Us - TBH 174 #healingtestimonies #religion #escharchas #Love #powerofthetongue #Grace #MovinginPower #SettingBoundaries #PowerofPrayer #MyGraceIsSufficient #2Corinthians12:9 #DoWhatLoveRequires #Grace #GraceAsSuperPowerOfHeaven #Healing #Breakthrough #SorrowfulMysteries #PreciousBlood #Resurrection #ConstantAccess #Fasting #ComeIntoAgreement #Death #Suffering #GuardianAngels #Love #Fasting #John16:33 #Dowhatloverequires #Prayer #Creative #DivineDesign #wordsofknowledge #Maintain&Sustain
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