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Please note: March 5 will be Zoom only.

Teachings will be on break for summer! 

Vickie will 

We meet twice a month on Tuesdays from  10:00-11:15 a.m. (Mountain time) on Zoom.

Upper Room: On Mission to Ignite, Equip, & Empower the Body of Christ while praying for Healing and Breakthrough!

I'm thrilled to announce that the Teaching Sessions are back! Despite my travel schedule, we're resuming our monthly meetings on Tuesdays from 10:00-11:15 a.m. (Mountain time) via Zoom.  We'll be focusing on teachings and prayers that are about healing! Get ready to be inspired and uplifted!

24-25 Zoom Schedule 

  • Oct 1

  • Nov 5

  • Dec 10

  • Jan 7, '25

  • Feb 4, '25

  • March 4, '25

  • April 8, '25

  • May 6, '25

 Zoom meetings start when the session starts. They are recorded and uploaded to YouTube and will be sent to your email. You are more than welcome to use the chat function, show your face, and ask questions! 


Encounter the Healer through a Mindset-Reset

On Zoom, we move from the worldly gaze to the heavenly one! It's language! It's actions! It's belief! 

"Do not be conformed of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind"

- Roman 12:2

     Not sure what to watch first? Pray to the Holy Spirit to lead you to the topic that will enrich you the most. Pay attention to the verbiage and language in the manner that Jesus is speaking to and working with you. Write these beautiful encounters with the Lord in the knowing place (reminder journal).

Receiving Healing Through His Precious Blood in His Passion

Receiving Healing Through His Precious Blood in His Passion

When praying this powerful rosary while meditating on the sorrowful mysteries, through the Precious Blood of Jesus, many healings occurred. Before watching the video, try as best as you can to put yourself in the 3 dispositions to receive this healing prayer. Correct Unity Prayer: If you received healing, give glory to God for the work He has done in you by sharing your testimony by clicking this link: The 3 Dispositions :) 1. MIND: clear your mind of all of your list of intentions and be with Jesus 2. BODY: position your body in a position that is comfortable for you to receive prayer. 3. BELIEF: BE EXPECTANT OF FRUIT. I count on Jesus to give everyone something! Sometimes we don't see what it is until a bit later. Sometimes it's right away. Sometimes it's a few weeks away. Most important point is that you CONTEND for healing. DON'T STOP CONTENDING! I am! Consider the alternative if you do stop? You're right where you were. But keep contending with the language of what it looks like to contend for healing. That can look like: Jesus, thank you for your faithfulness! Jesus, thank you for loving me; Jesus, thank you for creating me; Jesus, thank you for making me beautiful and wonderfully made; Jesus, in your holy name I receive what you have prepared for me today for you are my supply! This is huge in healing because the enemy wants to create an atmosphere of fear, disappointment and hopelessness. Disagree with this vehemently by training your gaze on the One Who loves you! Jesus!! And if at all possible consider continuing to support this ministry so I can continue loving on souls the way Jesus wants me to. Financial resources are just part of the need of a ministry and I wish it wasn't. But since it is, I know I can count on you. anything helps $5, $25 It doesn't matter to me but the Lord does bless those who give their hearts to back up this ministry I just know it cuz I've seen it. We're trying to find a different platform other than PayPal. Because PayPal sometimes takes a percentage of what you're sending me. But right now that's what we have along with sending love offerings through the mail. If any of you are able to give monthly or a tithe... and that will help me to know what I can handle for the monthly cost that come in. because of your love offering so far I know I can support my assistant. FYI I take nothing for myself. Everything goes to the ministry! Whatever I need personally I use my personal account. or Make checks payable to Upper Ministries: Upper Room Ministries 13395 Voyager Pkwy Ste 130-PMB-543 Colorado Springs , Colorado 80921 May God bless you and keep you and May His face shine upon you and may the Mantle of the Blessed Mother surround You allowing you to fill Her warm embrace constant presence constant love and constant intercession for you. And may the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit infuse you with direction and amplify your desires to be in relationship with the King of Kings. Amen✝️ Website: Facebook: Instagram: @lifeinthespirit3 RETREATS: Albuquerque Charismatic Women's Conference 2023: The Ways of Christ through the Power of Testimony: Albuquerque Charismatic Women's Conference 2023: Spiritual Power Tools PODCASTS: August 31, 2023 Mother and Refuge of the End Times August 22,2023 Miguel Angel Idrogo Podcast Bilingual (Spanish & English) Medjugorje Conversion Story 8.22.23 April 7 2022 Radio Interview: Matt Willson: Living Life on Purpose: August 29, 2021 Touched by Heaven - Everyday Encounters with God: God Never Leaves Us Where He Meets Us - TBH 174
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